Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pet peeve of the week...

Women who bitch about their husbands all the damn time. Why the hell are you with this man??!! I used to work with a woman who daily bitched and complained about how lazy or worthless her husband was. YET she regularly came in with jewelry he had given her or spoke about some nice restaurant he had taken her to or some show they went to. Yet this man never seemed to live up to her expectations.

I seriously felt really sorry for this man. He was never going to be able to please this women. I would say most of my clients are women. Many of them also feel the need to complain about their husbands. I don't get it. Sure occasionally men can drive us CRAZY. They think completely different from us. I am sure that because of that we equally drive them batty also. I am on my third marriage. Many people didn't know how bad either one of my first marriages were until I filed for divorce. I just really don't talk about it. Sure a couple very close friends knew how I was feeling . But that's it. I guess I feel if your that unhappy you need to do something about it besides bitch constantly about the men in your lives. Get out of it or try to fix it.
I am very happy in my current marriage and final one. If this one didn't work out for some unknown reason I would not get in a legal union with someone again. There would be no need at this stage of my life. I truly feel content with this man. No, he is not perfect ,either am I. But I would not run around constantly bitching about what a crappy partner he is.
I am sure you all know a woman like the ones I'm talking about.
Anyway,that's my pet peeve this week.


  1. Yeah that annoys me too. A flip side of the same coin that pissed me off regularly are the women that find it absolutely amazing how well my husband treats me- as if that is so uncommon for men. He does his share around the house and treats me greats. Part of me wonders if women are just so used to being shit on they are amazed by a good relationship when they see it. Or maybe, similar to the women you're speaking of, they're martyrs. They do everything so they have something to sit back and bitch about. I want to say to them "good men are out there and if you don't settle for crap, you can find one too"

  2. actually the type of woman I'm talking about will most likely never find the ideal man. She is too busy finding fault to appreciate what she has right in front of her.
