Thursday, March 15, 2012

I may have to cave on this Face Book DON"T DO IT!!!

Seriously,I did NOT think it would be this hard. Not cuz I want to get on and look at all the latest pictures or see what people had for lunch or are stopping in at...BUT because I have missed 4 pretty important event invites and a couple very important life events with a couple friends. A couple people have actually written me via E mail and texts to keep in touch . I can not say enough how much I appreciate them for doing so. But if it wasn't for my hubby being on FB I would not have known about these invites.
Also a couple of the shows I watch have their voting set up via FB and to actually call in and vote can be a pain.
I'm half way...its the 15th. Maybe I'm really just going through withdrawals. I don't know. I'm determined to try hard to get through the rest of the month. It's also hard for me to let people know when I have posted on my blogs. So many of my friends wait for that update through FB.
You may be wondering why it's so damn important for me to take this break from FB. Well there are a few good reasons. Main one is that I find it a time suck of the hugest proportions. I get on and WHAM! and hour of my life has vanished. Seriously ,yes,I am that bad. I can not just pop on once a day or a couple times a week. I get on several times a day and browse around to see what everyone has been up to in the last couple hours. I go to links my friends have posted. I look at funny pictures and read funny jokes and before you know it I still have not cleaned the bathroom or folded the laundry.

Yea,pitiful. So until I can be assured I can be the occasional visitor i am staying off. As with any addiction I am sure i am going to have slips and fall into the time sucking vortex at times but it will be easier to resist when the nice weather gets here.
Just two and a half more weeks....

1 comment:

  1. need more motivation....the highest level of pissed-off-ness people can invoke via FB. that has always been my major reason for staying off. I find when I give myself 5-10 minute time limits I am MUCH happier!!!
