Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 7 of no Facebook

I will admit that it has been hard not to log on. For those of you who may not know I take an occasional break from Face book every once in awhile. I picked March to do it this time. Not being Catholic I have never gave up anything I liked for lent so I figured I would try it and see how it goes. Your supposed to give up something you really like or at least are pretty addicted to correct? otherwise whats the point of the sacrifice? So since a am a frequent face book visitor I thought it would be a good challenge for me.

A whole month ! well one week in and I find out I already have missed two invites to things....and a couple of announcements,one  about a friends surgery and another one had lost a family member..... This is going to be harder than I thought. I only found out about the above things through people that have been checking face book.

It really has become one of the major ways people communicate. I am still determined to go the month . I like to challenge myself on occasion,a battle of my own will. As if my dietary challenges have not been enough lately. :-).
the one thing I do not miss is the constant blast of political views on FB. And the occasional opinion that rubs me wrong (I am sure that there are people that are not missing mine either,lol) Anyway,I am also finding I have time to read more and to watch some shows that I've been missing.
It's unbelievable how much of a time suck the computer is in general.
Which reminds me I have an episode of Smash to catch up on.
See ya later!


  1. I hear you- missing the invites sucks because people are way TOO connect via FB but I'm limiting how long I spend on FB each day. I only check it once or twice and don't spend more than 5 minutes. I just check what I have in my messages or notifications and don't really do the scroll to see what others are doing and log off- makes the experience SO much better...less time to get irritated or post insignificant stuff.

  2. Yes,I do find FB addicting. I envy the people that seem to be able to just pop on occasionally and check stuff quick and move on. I find myself checking out peoples pictures,looking at comments ,reading links to articles that I most likly would not have bothered with. Before I know it and hour has gone by and I'm like "where has the time gone??" I am going to see if after I make the month I am able to come back without such an addictive tendency with it.
