Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lifes contrasts.........are you wasting time?

As Forest Gump said."you nevah know what your gonna get". the contrasts in life are what are striking me the most this last week.

My daughter pregnant with our first grandchild,who will be welcomed into life with so many people already loving him contrasts with pictures of starving children or children that are victims of war.

I am planning a baby shower while a person very close to me will be soon planning a wake.....

Time seems to fly by for me these days . I just want to yell "Stop!" can we rewind? Time has no respect, I find. It just keeps moving on weather we move on with it or we don't.

People get upset with each other over stupid things. Is it worth it? Not with time going by so fast it's not.
I love my family and friends  even when we disagree or don't see eye to eye. If time was to be taken from me this night,I just want all of you to have known that.

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