Tuesday, May 22, 2012

what is annoying me right now!

Those insane word letter things that they make you decipher when you go to write a comment on someones blog. WHAT THE F???
"please prove that your not a robot " it says than proceeds to provide you with a jumble of crazy looking ass letters that will probably prove that I'M BLIND! I feel like I should be in Dr. Seuss land to read some of those. I went to comment on a blog I follow this evening and I had to refresh like 4 times to finally get one I could read.
Seriously what the friggin hell.

And as long as I'm pissed off. Let me yell at the TWO people that pulled directly in front of me today like I was driving the invisible car. Thank god I still have some reaction time left in this ol body of mine or I would have been sitting on both of these peoples laps and not in a good way. I am getting a bright yellow car next time around because its obvious that my dark blue is not eye catching enough.

one last bitch of a parting shot while I'm on a roll here. The moron that filled my order today at McDonald's. NOT the nice lady that took it ,because she got it right. As it was just one medium coffee with two creams,not to hard to get. The moron I am referring to is the guy who gave me a coffee with no cream and enough sugar to send me into a coma in a cup with a leak in the bottom AND the lid not on all the way.Thanks for that leaky mess jerk wad. I will be back tomorrow and you better hope your not at that window...

whew I feel tons better now!! :-)

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