Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Feeling kinda "out of it this week. Fighting something possibly.Also for some reason my mom has been on my mind allot the last few days. She would be so happy for Rachel and Fred and the upcoming birth of their first child. I feel like she is around me alot this week. She has been gone since 1997. I am sure her beautiful spirit has moved on to it's next step by now. I firmly believe that we live many lives and that each one is a spiritual learning experiance. I am trying hard to learn whatever lessons I am sapposed to while living this life. I imagine that I will not stop learning until the day I take my last breath.

I am most likly thinking about my mom because I am witnessing my own daughter on her journey to becoming a mother. I am looking forward to this next step in her life. If I can tell her anything,give any advice...It will be to laughed alot with your child,life gets busy but remember to spend some quality time each day . Even if it is only 15 minutes to read a story or cuddle with them. When the times are hard and your child is making you crazy,and they will,reach out to your family and ask for help or advice or just for an ear to listen. That is what we will be around you for.

Now time to ge some rest and try to beat whatever "bug" is after me.

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