Monday, February 6, 2012

allow me to rant...

Well this IS my personal blog after all,what am I asking permission for? Anywho... I am going to take this time to bitch about the current medical community. If you have read my last two posts about eating Gluten Free (if not ,you may want to do so now,so you know what I'm ranting about).

I HATE HATE HATE how doctors do not look at a persons diet before coming to any conclusions about what may be causing a persons mysterious Illness. Well you have an auto-immune disorder ,or Meniers (which is science talk ,for no known cause,Look it up cuz I'm serious). Take this pill ,take that pill. No real suggestion on what may be causing inflammation in that persons body. MOST if not all auto-immune disorders are caused by something causing inflammation. Cancer is also more likely in people with inflammation in their body. Now we live in a toxic environment for sure. Air,water ,food pollution is rampant. Just trying to keep your body healthy is a full time job with all those elements wreaking havoc.
So if you have a compromised immune system from a food allergy or sensitivity you become more susceptible to other illness.
It has been found that eating Gluten free has helped many conditions. Even if your not Celiac or gluten sensitive. Why? you ask? Because Gluten causes inflammation in the body. Gluten is hard to digest ,even for people that don't really show signs of stomach issues. Most people that do come down with ulcers,or colitis,or other stomach ailments will tell you they have some trouble when they eat breads. Breads tend to form like a lump going through your digestive track,well the ones containing sticky gluten do. Breads without this sticky substance do not have the same issues flowing through your digestive system.
I have completed my two weeks of GF free and now would be the time they suggest to reintroduce Gluten to "see" how my body will react. Ummm..I don't want to. Do I really have to? Why on earth would I want to start feeling like crap again? Lets see,I took Gluten out,I feel a load better. Nuff said.

Anyway back to my first point. Why are doctors so resistant to recommend that people try this? Well I have the answer for that. Number one,They know most people want a quick fix,I:E: a pill that will make them all better without them having to do anything else but take it. Sorry everyone,but that's the truth. Number two,they really are not taught about diet.

So what happens? People get so so sick ,They try EVERYTHING the doctor says,they go from specialist to specialist and still feel sick . Than they finally drag their poor sorry sick selves to an alternative doctor and plead for help. This doctor says ,OK you need to change what you put in your mouth. This is going to take a long time now ,because there has been so much damage to your body from all the meds and the havoc eating wrong has done through all the years.This goes for other diet caused illnesses like High blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes.

I for one can NOT wait to see my ear doctor in April. I know my ear will be tons better because it already is. I'm going to tell him,"hey Doc,guess what I did to help my ear and everything else? I stopped eating gluten" Then I'm going to sit back and watch his face and listen to his reaction. This reaction will then determine if he will ever see me as a patient again .

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