Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The above pic is not my home,but I want it to be!

That is what I have been trying to do around my house lately. I have been slow at work and it has made me nervous. I work on commision,so when it's slow NO MONEY comes in. Plus my husband has taken on a new job with really early hours and also a job he is not that crazy about . So all in all the stress level is a bit high around here. To ease my stress I have been working on clutter,getting rid of it or getting it in order.

I have tackled my closet first and will be moving on to the spare rooms over the winter. I have a goal to repaint the laundry room this winter also in some really Bright colors! I want to feel cheer when I walk in that room . If thats possible.

I have been following the blog of Just A Girl She is amazing ! So talented. Her house is to die for and her ideas are endless. She is my inspiration to get my house in order. Even her cupboards are organized!! So this is my winter goal,declutter and organize.

Monday, October 12, 2009

P 90 X update

For those of you who care....

It's been a couple weeks and I have done the workout 6 times,averaging 3 times a week. I still can not do the whole thing. I still get mildly nauseated about half way through..that meens I'm working really hard right? Anyway I am totally impressed with the quickness of this workout to produce results!

I feel tighter around the middle and my legs are already getting definition. I also feel like I have improved posture and just feel generaly stronger all the way around.

All this after only a couple weeks! Ok,I'm sold. I can't say I look forward to doing it,couse it is HARD,but I am liking the results enough to keep it up!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Finally something that works

Finally a product that gets the job done.

Does your hair ever look like this?

Well ok,my hair isn't quite that bad BUT it has always been wavy and frizzy. I have gone through countless products to tame it and control it all my life. My cupboards are jammed with a variety of products... Those of you with naturally straight hair do not know the suffering we frizz heads go through. Living in Michigan with its many wet high humidity days it's a constant battle.

I finally have found a product that I can say WORKS. John Frieda (a company that has always realized the pain us with frizzy hair experience.) Has come out with Weatherworks,Anti-frizz Style Sealent Creme. I love this product.It takes away the frizz and when I use it with my flat iron it leaves my hair with that silky smooth salon feel to it. It holds up nicely against the humid weather . I have been testing it all week with the rain we've been having. I even got caught in the rain yesterday and it did not frizz,got a bit wavy ,but no frizz.

Best part of all is that most of John Frieda products are made in the USA. not all ,but most. Which is a huge plus seeing as I will be buying lots of it and I am watching who I buy from more and more these days. Anyway,I had to share my new found fortune.Spred the word to all your frizzy haired friends so they don't discontinue this product.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Older woman ,younger man.Happy Anniversary!

Well it's been 13 years Oct 5th that Craig and I got married. The above pic is the 2 of us at his brother Jim's wedding a couple years ago. Most people just seeing us don't know there is a 16 year age difference between my husband and I. Yes he is the younger one,lol. I attribute it to his early baldness and greying and to my good genes, haha!

Whenever you go into a relationship with this type of age gap there is bound to be a certain amount of apprehension. You have to realize that 13 years ago my husband was in his late 20's and I was in my early 40's. That's a generation apart. He had never been married before,I not only had been but I also came with a 14 year old teenager! Talk about a possible train wreck.

First there was the many talks about ,are you SURE you never want children?? Me to him of course. How do you know that won't change for you in a few years? I was relentless about asking him that. His reassurance that he never did want them ,but would be happy helping me with my daughter didn't really ease my worries on this subject.

Next was the discussion about our differences. He likes 80's music,I grew up with the Beatles but love all music. He liked gaming (indoor sports) I like outdoor stuff and working out. He is a home body ,I like to travel and do stuff.

And his family and his friends and my family and my friends...would they accept me? him with me? would they accept him/us? I am happy to say for the most part the friends and family on both sides have accepted this relationship. Some of his friends are in the midst of raising their families,something we are now done with.But I still love seeing them have families and being around the little ones. I love "his "friends as they have become mine. I like getting to know their new additions to their families and hope they all know that we don't mind being around their kids just because we don't have any young ones.

After all our talking and all my brow beating him about how I will be reaching retirement way before him (kind of a bad joke now that it looks like no one will be able to retire) it all fell back to the basic ingredients of any relationship. Love,respect and adaptability. Respecting his passions and him respecting mine.

So here we are at year 13 and no regrets for either of us so far. It hasn't always been easy,we've had our trials and tribulations. But none of it had to do with age difference. It was mainly life and how it can slam you with stuff and how we choose to deal with it. I ask my self every year about now,"would I say those vows to him again today? Each year has been a resounding"YES!" How wonderful.