Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is in those Flu shots??

The following is an excerpt from a reader of a forum I follow. This was written 2 years ago but the facts she states still apply today.

Many of the flu vaccines contain a whopping 25 mcg of mercury. That is 81 times what is considered the "trace" amount of 0.3 mcg that is now in many other vaccines. Women are now advised by their doctors to get the flu shot while pregnant, and most get the shots with 25 mcg of mercury, because those brands are the most available. So even with the reduction of mercury in most childhood vaccines, being exposed as a fetus causes a lot of damage. Pregnant women being advised to get flu shots is a very new thing, and happened after the reduction of mercury in most other shots, cancelling out a lot of the benefit to public health that would have otherwise been seen.

Vaccines also contain a lot of aluminum and formaldehyde. Even a little bit of injected mercury makes the blood-brain barrier more permeable, allowing the neurotoxin aluminum to enter the brain.

As much as it is inadvisable to eat high-mercury fish and aluminum containing baking soda, there is a world of difference between getting injected with something and eating something.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits that 1 in 150 children now has autism. More recent statistics from Tricare, the military's health care system, shows that 1 in 67 children has autism. Twenty years ago, the number was 4 in 10,000. So there has been a huge, huge, increase. In that same 20 year time period, there also has been a huge increase in the number of vaccines that are routinely given in childhood.

I can not understand why this is still allowed . And why they are now pushing Pregnant women to get the flu shot. The fetus is extremely susceptible to the dangers of mercury and other poisons. I continue to urge all of you to please research everything you put into your body in the form of these recommended shots. Look up the ingredients of what they want to inject you with and then determine if you feel this is something you need to risk putting in your body.
I frankly feel that we are the only ones that can look out for ourselves any more. Most medical people are trained in an environment that is skewed by the pharmaceutical companies. They fund many of the medical schools. This is fact. I see nothing wrong in us taking our own health and our children's in our hands and being INFORMED consumers.
This is not to say I am against ALL vaccines. Many of them have done good things. But it has become big business and when anything becomes big business the protection of the health of the people becomes secondary. Hence all the recalls on drugs that happen all to frequently now. The costs to develop medicines and vaccines need to be paid for. The only way to recoup this money is to sell it to the public.
It has turned into an insidious business and we and our children are all paying for it dearly. I will not feed into this cycle of abuse and you should not either. Know what you need to do to protect your health and what you don't need to do. Unfortunately your doctor may not be the best way to find this out. Do your own research.
Just be informed please!

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