Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year already underway..

Here we are with a brand new year. I gave up making resolutions a few years back. I do however try to use each new year as a clean slate. Time to get back on track with all the healthy things I do for my body. Nothing like the holidays to screw that up for everyone. So it's back to Yoga and cutting out the sweets. Stepping up the exercise routine and just generally back to eating healthy.

I have decided that this year I will become more active in charity work and being more vocal about some of the issues I feel strongly about. The last nine years I helped take care of my ex husband who was disabled. Since his passing in September I find I now have time to devote to others that are also in need. He would like that. And I know he is looking on and urging me in that direction.

Over the holidays my work took on Solid Ground as the charity we would help with monetary donations,clothing,and other stuff for Christmas. We also took on the Christmas gifting needs of one of the families that is staying there right now. One of the directors from the shelter told us a bit of how that family came to being at the shelter and it felt good to know we could help make their Christmas brighter.

My boss ,Suzanne is helping to organize a Golf fundraising event for them this June and I hope to help as much as possible with whatever they may need .

I also plan to take a trip this year with my husband to celebrate our 15 years together. He stresses about how we will afford it. Money has grown tighter the last few years for everyone,us included. So the challenge for me will be to find an affordable vacation place that will still be special to us,yet will not put us in the hole.
I have a few ideas that I need to check into further. But I am confident that we can have a nice trip without it turning into a big drain on the wallet.

Also I am purging "stuff" from my life and reorganizing my living situation. This started last year and is continuing into this one. I find that I feel more together and have peace of mind if my "house" is in order. Plus I just don't need a bunch of stuff around.
The laundry room is done (keeping that one organized has been a constant challenge tho.Its such a catch all area...ugh.
The bedroom is repainted and new dressers are on the way. The next room is the spare room ,that has turned into a spare bedroom /spare computer/library room . I know ,crazy... and then finally my work room will be tackled.
The closets redo will be thrown in there at some point too...

So as you can see already I will be having a busy year. Have to cram in allot of living and working. No wonder the years fly by sooo fast .
Hope you all have some plans of your own. Good Luck with them and happy new year!

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