Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What a week

What a freakin crazy week. The shooting at the school has continued to spurn a tremendous amount of debate about stricter gun laws and looser gun laws. And it appears its a pretty 50/50 split on what side of the fence people seem to land on.

I see today that the president has decided to take some serious action and try to come up with the help of a committee answers to some of the issues. They say... I guess we will see what comes out of all of this. I am hoping some real attention as to what has gotten us to this point in our country. We solve pretty much everything with guns or weapons. Our children our brought up playing shoot em up video games and watching fairly violent TV shows and movies. (No parents to not censor enough).

We have a lack of respect for human life that has run rampant the last few years. On top of that you have fear. Bottom line is  people are afraid. they don;t feel safe anymore. Crime is around every corner. Crime will more than likely affect each of us in varying degrees. Weather its something stolen to an actual assault. But it will more than likely touch the majority of us at least once if not a few times in our lives. Really? you might ask. But I think most of you are nodding your heads in agreement.

I don't have the answers but I do think we all need to try to find some. We can all start with how we treat each other everyday. All the people you encounter on a daily basis. Be mindful that EVERYONE has problems. The person that always looks so cheerful and doesn't seem to have a care in the world to the person that is always complaining about everything. Most likely they both have equal problems ,the first has just found a better way to deal with them. Be NICE to each other. Even if they are not all that nice to you. Try not to return it back. You will feel better if you don't.Maybe not right away ,but in the long run. Maybe by being nice to someone who is not will make them stop and think about their own actions.

I had a friend on FB post that she was going to do a random act of kindness for each victim of the shooting. Excellent idea.

Try to enjoy the holidays everyone. Feel thankful for those close to you.

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