Sunday, December 25, 2011

Am I political (part Two)

And then there is the climate and vaccines and all the crap in our foods! GMO’s ???What the hell??

 I seriously can’t keep up with EVERY flippin thing I am supposed to think and worry about. I donate money to help feed the homeless a few times a year and I volunteered my time for a local shelter this year. Whenever I do I lift my head and thank the heavens that I am not in that situation. In fact lately whenever I lay my head down in my OWN bed with a roof over me and my husband next to me, I give thanks.

I KNOW how lucky I am and I know how much worse things can be. That is what I think we all should know. That it can be you without food or without shelter. It REALLY REALLY can be.

If being political is caring and giving a shit about my country and this world, well, I guess I am. I wish we could all realize what we have been given. Look at the world! Isn’t it amazing? Why do we not think we need to care for it? It is our home, we all live here. I keep up the maintenance of my house, why not our Earth?

Humans have fought wars from the beginning of time. I honestly don’t think that will ever stop. I really do think that it is part of our nature. Oh I can hear some of you now...Oh no it’s not, blah blah blah. Really? Well I can’t remember a time when we haven’t had war somewhere on Earth, can you? There you go… .

I used to believe that we could end all wars if we would all just try. I do not believe that anymore. I seriously don’t think humans can be truly happy living peacefully. They need turmoil. They are territorial. Not so different from other animal species. We have just found more deadly ways to kill each other than we used to. Yes, there are some of us that are more peaceful than others. Usually there is a balance of good and bad. But what we are seeing now I fear is an unbalance in nature. A pretty severe one that threatens our very existence on this earth. The sad part is I am not sure we will be able to overcome the bad with the greedy attitude that has run rampant. From our politicians here to the drug lords in Mexico, greed and power are running wild.

Maybe it’s a crisis of faith? That is what some would say. I am in my 50’s. How long will I be blessed to live on this plane of existence? Who knows? I fear most for my child and her children. It’s increasingly scary out in the world. So many people just don’t value life. We NEED to teach our children compassion for others. They learn from example so we must give them some. I became more available to my community this year and that is a vow I will have to make for each year forward. Become charitable, become aware, and become involved in the area of which you live. If we can all do something, we really CAN make a difference. If we do these small things, we have all become political. Because being political is caring! It’s wanting EVERYONE to be safe and secure and happy.

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