Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Where did summer go? Getting organized!!

Yep ,here we are again. At the tail end of summer.
September =warm days leading into crisp cool nights.
I LOVE THIS UPCOMING TIME OF YEAR!! Fall is BY FAR, as far as I am concerned, the best part of living in Michigan. September is usually very moderate.Temps are comfortable and mostly it's dry.
October? OK,so its getting cooler but not too cold,light sweater or jacket and the best part? The leaves!! OMG it's beautiful driving down Metro parkway in October. Colors blazing as the sun filters through the leaves.
 Two months of goodness..then....November.....

Well we won't talk about that for now. I am learning the day at a time thing for more relaxed living,Ha!

So I usually feel more energized this time of year. I will attack a household project. Many times its painting. This year its' been closet reorganizing. I'm pretty well done with the upstairs three closets. The next one to tackle will be the front closet in the entryway.
Then the dreaded basement under the stair storage area...This project will need husband help. We are trying very hard to weed out stuff we do not need and or use and GET RID OF IT. I also want to put stuff we are keeping in plastic totes. Out with cardboard boxes!! I have known way to many people with water issues and the thought of losing some precious memories to water damage makes me sick.

Now I'm not a messy person. Anyone that's been in my home can attest that we are very neat uncluttered people. But I have a hard time parting with clothes....Yes, its an issue. So I tried very hard to part with as much as possible while going through the upstairs closets. I made progress ,but I still have way more than I need. Oh well,A little at a time.

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